From 1904 through 1928, Alphonse-Georges Poulain led
several series of excavations around Vernon. Thanks to his researches,
we know by now that prehistoric men dwelled in Mestreville, 10 km West
from Vernon. Poulain digged rock shelters where he found a mammoth bone
and testimonies of human presence.
The museum also exhibits discoveries made at the fana
of Saint-Aubin sur Gaillon, in the camp of Vernonnet, from the
Neolithic to the Gallo-Roman period.
See also :
The Archeological

Chaseen cooking pot

Gallo-Roman Flask
Middle Age
More recent excavations made on the spot of the ancient
castle of Vernon revealed ceramics from the Middle-Age. A scale model
enables to view this castle whose dungeon can still be seen on the
right when leaving the museum.
The capitals and most of the statues come from the
demolished churches of Vernon.
Local History
The agricultural and industrial past of Vernon is
evocated through objects and artpieces, up to World War II and the Liberation of the city
by Resistants and British soldiers.

Map of the fortifications of Vernon, 16th Century