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How to get to Giverny

From Paris to Giverny

By bus, train, car or boat


Giverny is a village located 75 km West from Paris
and 4 km East from the town of Vernon.

Giverny and Vernon are roughly half way
between Paris and Rouen.

Paris to Giverny

Paris Saint Lazare Train Station

From Paris to Vernon on your own

By road

Vernon is 75 km from Paris.

Leave Paris by the Pont de Saint-Cloud and take the highway A13 (towards Rouen) for 55 km until you reach exit 14 (Bonnières) or exit 16 (Douains).

The A13 is free until Mantes-la-Jolie. The charge is 2.30 euros to go further.

After the exit follow Vernon and then Giverny road signs.

You may also leave the highway before the tollgate (follow green Vernon road signs) and go on the N15 past Rosny, Rolleboise and Bonnières.

The road follows the River Seine for a while.

Claude Monet and Theodore Butler
waiting for Sylvain, the chauffeur.

Claude Monet and Theodore Butler waiting for Sylvain, the chauffeur.

 Paris Saint Lazare train station by Claude Monet

Paris Saint Lazare train station by Claude Monet

By train

The Vernon-Giverny station is situated on the main train line Paris / Rouen / Le Havre.

It starts from the Saint-Lazare Paris station (which has not changed much since Monet painted it). The fastest trains complete the journey in less than 45 min.

In the Metro, take the 'SNCF - Grandes Lignes' exit.

Giverny Train TicketYou can buy here your train ticket to Vernon-Giverny

Giverny Train TicketYou can buy here your train ticket to Vernon-Giverny

The Rouen line departs from the right side of the platform, in the 'Grandes Lignes' section.

By Train & Car rental

In Vernon, car rental companies are located pretty far away from Vernon-Giverny train station.

If you intend to come to Giverny by train and rent a car on arrival, it is better to stop at the previous train station in Mantes La Jolie where several car rental companies have an agency just outside the train station.

Car Rental

Having a car is needed if you intend to explore by yourself Giverny and Vernon surroundings.

Les Andelys and its Chateau Gaillard are for instance difficult to access by public transport.

It is also an help to access nice Giverny area Bed and Breakfast located in the countryside.

Rentalcars gathers the offers of the main car rental companies available in Giverny area.

Sail Boat at Le Petit-Gennevilliers Claude Monet 1874

Sail Boat at Le Petit-Gennevilliers Claude Monet 1874

By boat

Vernon has a marina near the town centre, which gives opportunities for holidays on the water.

River cruises are more and more popular.

From Vernon to Giverny on your own


Cross the bridge over the Seine (towards Beauvais) turn right on the D5 and go straight on for 5 km.

Parking is free in Giverny.

There is a large car park on the side of the D5, in front of the Fondation Claude Monet, and a smaller one just in front of the entrance door, in the village, rue Claude Monet.

You may also park in the car park of the Museum of Impressionisms in Giverny on the D5.

If you arrive by train

You may take a taxi, the bus shuttle or walk (1 hour-7km).


Several taxis are generally waiting at the train station. There is another taxi station on the place d'Evreux 200 metres away. Vernon to Giverny fare : around 20 euros.

Bus Shuttle VERNON <-> GIVERNY

From Spring to Autumn a bus shuttle links Vernon-Giverny train station and the central bus station in Giverny main parking lot.

Daily round trip fare 10 euros

Tickets sales on board vehicle with compulsory validation.

Bus Shuttle to Giverny from Vernon Giverny Train station 2024 schedule

Bus Shuttle to Giverny from Vernon-Giverny Train station,
2024 schedule time table

Bus Shuttle from Giverny to Vernon Giverny Train station 2024 schedule

Bus Shuttle from Giverny to Vernon-Giverny Train station,
2024 schedule time table

Walking to Giverny

Go down the Albufera street and cross the bridge over the Seine.

At the roundabout ignore the signs for Giverny which are meant for cars.
Go straight on, cross the first street "Route de Giverny" and  take the pathway to your right just before the drugstore.

It follows the tracks of the ancient railroad. It enables you to walk to Giverny away from the traffic. (5 km). The path is almost flat.