"Maximilien Luce, Neo-Impressionist. A Retrospective"
Exhibition in Giverny France 2010
Musée des Impressionnismes Giverny
From July 28 until October
31, 2010
Born in 1858, Maximilien Luce
discovered the divisionism of Seurat and Signac at the exhibition of
the Independants in 1886. The next year, he exhibited in turn at the
Salon a pointillist work, la Toilette, that was purchased by Signac.
It was the start of a long friendship, that Luce expressed through
portraits of the members of the neo-impressionist school, Seurat,
Signac, Cross, Pissarro, or the art critic Fénéon.
Luce's fiery temper led him to join the
anarchists, for whom he drew many bills and press caricatures. His
political opinions were probably responsible for not being granted
his true place in art history during his lifetime.
His works show a great command of
technics and a high sense for colors, especially during his
pointillist period. Luce favoured sunset lights, or landscapes
bathing in a bright sunshine. He got enthusiastic about the works of
Haussmann, that turned Paris into a huge work in progress. But human
beings were always his main concern.
During a trip to Belgium, Luce
discovered the Borinage. Luce became the defender of the Black Land,
and he depicted its coal tips and smelting furnaces with lyrism and
without any miserabilism.
The crimes committed during the Commune
de Paris in 1871, that he wittnessed as a teenager, inspired him
thirty years later huge canvases exposing the horrors of this civil
Luce also stood by the soldiers of
World War One, observing their resigned despondency in parisian train
stations, during their leaves.
At the end of his life, Maximilien Luce
found appeasement by settling down at Rolleboise on the Seine side,
not far from Giverny, where he painted more detached and bucolic
scenes. He died in 1941 at Rolleboise.
Covering Luce’s career, the exhibition brings together
around 60
works and features some of the most significant examples of
Neo-impressionist painting.