If your children are fond of prehistorical times, they will enjoy visiting
places where the first men used to dwell. It makes you truly feel what it
could be like to live in the woods at these remote times.
Diggings made at the COVERED ALLEY OF DAMPSMESNIL and at the ROCK SHELTERS OF MESTREVILLE testify that human beings spent sometime there 4000 years ago. These two places are accessible after a 15 mn walk from your car park. Please explain your children that they have to take care of these historical monuments and not climb on them. The covered alley was a sacred burial place oriented after the sunset of the winter solstice. A mammoth bone was found in the rock shelters at Mestreville. When you are there, it is easy to understand why the prehistorical hunters chose this place. The Seine river valley narrows, herds were forced to pas on a tongue of land between the hill and the river, where hunters could attack them. |
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